October 01, 2017

Every summer, a cohort of students are afforded the opportunity to complete international internships through the Stein Fellowship program, supported by the Eric Stein Fund for International Experience. Through this initiative, students’ expenses are covered and a stipend is also included.

Jude DiGiacomo ’18

This year, five Stein Fellows were chosen to intern abroad. They include seniors Bailey Baralt at NoLogo in Milan, Italy, and Elise Salada Hazlett at StyleTheory in the Republic of Singapore (see related story in this issue), along with Anna Dunn at Ecratum in Berlin; Jude DiGiacomo at All Accounted For in Wellington, New Zealand; and Damian Munoz in Beijing.

Munoz, a self-designed creative marketing and fashion studies major and an art history, photography and business minor, worked on a wide variety of different endeavors for his position as a project manager at G2 Studio Creative Workshop. This included such tasks as managing the development of the European Union’s Video Animation Series project, for which he oversaw a team of designers and animators, to working on and writing pitches for various endeavors, such as the Israel Tourism Bureau and a series of documentaries that focus on the Xianju National Park.

Having a variety of academic interests has influence Munoz’s career path. Wanting to take his interests in music, art, fashion and design with him into a career in advertising, he found an ideal internship to incorporate it all.

“Creating content with a meaningful purpose has always been my primary motivation. My internship at G2 Studio Creative Workshop has taken this motivation to the next level,” he says.